Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gwi Opinion

Gwi Manhwa Opinion Review

Gwi is a good Manhwa. I read it many months ago and then read it again right before this review. If you enjoy martial arts/ sword fighting comics. This one is a great one for you. This story is not a romance either so if you don't want to read romance. This is one of the ones you may like. It does however have a lot of violence and it does have mature content. So It is probably not a good one for kids, however that is the parents call and not mine. Gwi is just the right length for the story too. It is not long and drawn out. It stays exciting. 

The story has quite a few interesting characters in it. The story twists near the end in ways that I wasn't expecting. I won't spoil it for you but I always enjoy stories that are not so straight forward. Gwi is definitely  one of those. There were a few major plot surprises. I especially thought the reasons behind the main antagonists were not as expected. The other thing I didn't really know is how many games and stories there are that in some part mention the Murim. I didn't do my homework and assumed that Murim was something that they called the martial arts world only in the Breaker. Now that I looked a little into it. I found that it is not only used in Gwi and The Breaker but in other stories and games as well. In all the ones I ran into it is used to describe a martial arts world but when I looked it up I couldn't find any reliable definition that wasn't tied to a manga. One other interesting little tid bit. Everyone in this story was looking for this guy Chiwoo who looks a lot like Mu-Sang. After I put the Murim stuff together with the Breaker and Gwi, I already had the Breaker on my mind. I just thought it was odd that this illusive and strongest guy in Gwi that people thought was dead was named Chiwoo, and how close that sounds to Chunwoo, The illusive and strongest in The Breaker that many people in the alliance thought was dead. The stories are during different times in the world and are different in many other ways too. However, I just thought it was interesting that it had some similarities.

Mu-Sang is the main protagonist in this story and he is a really interesting guy. I like the way he is drawn. Not only is he handsome (yes many of the manga / manhwa I review have handsome guys in it, and no that is not why I pick them out to read...lol), He has interesting hair. I like how his hair is drawn wild. I think its cool and different. In real life it would look really odd with it... but in here it looks cool. The guy is really unique looking.  Mu-Sang is strong and a loner. He is not extremely bright, but he is not stupid either. He is the silent type usually. He really is a interesting character I am sure others will think so too. I was a bit sad that Mu-Sang in the end didn't end up with Yeo-San-Hwa (the lead girl) but then again. I knew it wasn't a romance so I didn't expect it either. I'm just a sucker for romance. The story was good anyways though.
I recommend the story to anyone who does not dislike violence. It's a good read and the characters and plot is interesting. I wouldn't call it one of my favorites but it is by no means one of the ones that I have problems with. It has plenty of action and never has parts that you have to drag yourself though to get to the good parts like in some other manga. 

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